Beau :: Beau (n.) A man who takes great care to dress in the latest fashion; a dandy.
Beau :: Beau (n.) A man who escorts, or pays attentions to, a lady; an escort; a lover..
Beau Ideal :: Beau ideal () A conception or image of consummate beauty, moral or physical, formed in the mind, free from all the deformities, defects, and blemishes seen in actual existence; an ideal or faultless standard or model..
Beau Monde :: Beau monde () The fashionable world; people of fashion and gayety.
Beaucatcher :: Beaucatcher (n.) A small flat curl worn on the temple by women.
Beaufet :: Beaufet (n.) A niche, cupboard, or sideboard for plate, china, glass, etc.; a buffet..