Conflicting :: Conflicting (a.) Being in conflict or collision, or in opposition; contending; contradictory; incompatible; contrary; opposing..
Conflictive :: Conflictive (a.) Tending to conflict; conflicting.
Confluence :: Confluence (n.) The act of flowing together; the meeting or junction of two or more streams; the place of meeting.
Confluence :: Confluence (n.) Any running together of separate streams or currents; the act of meeting and crowding in a place; hence, a crowd; a concourse; an assemblage..
Confluent :: Confluent (a.) Flowing together; meeting in their course; running one into another.
Confluent :: Confluent (a.) Blended into one; growing together, so as to obliterate all distinction..
Confluent :: Confluent (a.) Running together or uniting, as pimples or pustules..
Confluent :: Confluent (a.) Characterized by having the pustules, etc., run together or unite, so as to cover the surface; as, confluent smallpox..
Confluent :: Confluent (n.) A small steam which flows into a large one.
Confluent :: Confluent (n.) The place of meeting of steams, currents, etc..
Conflux :: Conflux (n.) A flowing together; a meeting of currents.
Conflux :: Conflux (n.) A large assemblage; a passing multitude.
Confluxibility :: Confluxibility (n.) The tendency of fluids to run together.
Confluxible :: Confluxible (a.) Inclined to flow or run together.