Chromic :: Chromic (a.) Pertaining to, or obtained from, chromium; -- said of the compounds of chromium in which it has its higher valence..
Chromid :: Chromid (n.) One of the Chromidae, a family of fresh-water fishes abundant in the tropical parts of America and Africa. Some are valuable food fishes, as the bulti of the Nile..
Chromidrosis :: Chromidrosis (n.) Secretion of abnormally colored perspiration.
Chromism :: Chromism (n.) Same as Chromatism.
Chromite :: Chromite (n.) A black submetallic mineral consisting of oxide of chromium and iron; -- called also chromic iron.
Chromite :: Chromite (n.) A compound or salt of chromous hydroxide regarded as an acid.
Chromium :: Chromium (n.) A comparatively rare element occurring most abundantly in the mineral chromite. Atomic weight 52.5. Symbol Cr. When isolated it is a hard, brittle, grayish white metal, fusible with difficulty. Its chief commercial importance is for its compounds, as potassium chromate, lead chromate, etc., which are brilliantly colored and are used dyeing and calico printing. Called also chrome..
Dichromic :: Dichromic (a.) Furnishing or giving two colors; -- said of defective vision, in which all the compound colors are resolvable into two elements instead of three..
Heliochromic :: Heliochromic (a.) Pertaining to, or produced by, heliochromy..
Lithochromics :: Lithochromics (n.) The art of printing colored pictures on canvas from oil paintings on stone.
Monochromic :: Monochromic (a.) Made, or done, with a single color; as, a monochromic picture..
Perchromic :: Perchromic (a.) Pertaining to, or designating, a certain one of the highly oxidized compounds of chromium, which has a deep blue color, and is produced by the action of hydrogen peroxide..
Photochromic :: Photochromic (a.) Alt. of Photochromati.
Polychromic :: Polychromic (a.) Polychromatic.
Polychromic :: Polychromic (a.) Pertaining to, or designating, any one of several acids (known only in their salts) which contain more than one atom of chromium..
Stereochromic :: Stereochrome (n.) Stereochromic picture.
Trichromic :: Trichromic (a.) Of, pertaining to, or consisting of, three colors or color sensations..
Trichromic :: Trichromic (a.) Containing three atoms of chromium.
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