Antiphrasis :: Antiphrasis (n.) The use of words in a sense opposite to their proper meaning; as when a court of justice is called a court of vengeance.
Paraphrase :: Paraphrase (n.) A restatement of a text, passage, or work, expressing the meaning of the original in another form, generally for the sake of its clearer and fuller exposition; a setting forth the signification of a text in other and ampler terms; a free translation or rendering; -- opposed to metaphrase..
Paraphrase :: Paraphrase (v. t.) To express, interpret, or translate with latitude; to give the meaning of a passage in other language..
Paraphrastical :: Paraphrastical (a.) Paraphrasing; of the nature of paraphrase; explaining, or translating in words more clear and ample than those of the author; not literal; free..
Periphrase :: Periphrase (n.) The use of more words than are necessary to express the idea; a roundabout, or indirect, way of speaking; circumlocution..
Periphrase :: Periphrase (v. t.) To express by periphrase or circumlocution.