Anastrophe :: Anastrophe (n.) An inversion of the natural order of words; as, echoed the hills, for, the hills echoed..
Ancistroid :: Ancistroid (a.) Hook-shaped.
Antistrophe :: Antistrophe (n.) In Greek choruses and dances, the returning of the chorus, exactly answering to a previous strophe or movement from right to left. Hence: The lines of this part of the choral song..
Antistrophe :: Antistrophe (n.) The repetition of words in an inverse order; as, the master of the servant and the servant of the master..
Antistrophe :: Antistrophe (n.) The retort or turning of an adversary's plea against him.
Antistrophic :: Antistrophic (a.) Of or pertaining to an antistrophe.
Antistrophon :: Antistrophon (n.) An argument retorted on an opponent.
Apastron :: Apastron (n.) That point in the orbit of a double star where the smaller star is farthest from its primary.
Apostrophe :: Apostrophe (n.) A figure of speech by which the orator or writer suddenly breaks off from the previous method of his discourse, and addresses, in the second person, some person or thing, absent or present; as, Milton's apostrophe to Light at the beginning of the third book of Paradise Lost..
Apostrophe :: Apostrophe (n.) The contraction of a word by the omission of a letter or letters, which omission is marked by the character ['] placed where the letter or letters would have been; as, call'd for called..
Apostrophe :: Apostrophe (n.) The mark ['] used to denote that a word is contracted (as in ne'er for never, can't for can not), and as a sign of the possessive, singular and plural; as, a boy's hat, boys' hats. In the latter use it originally marked the omission of the letter e..
Apostrophic :: Apostrophic (a.) Pertaining to an apostrophe, grammatical or rhetorical..
Apostrophize :: Apostrophize (p. pr. & vb. n.) To address by apostrophe.
Apostrophize :: Apostrophize (p. pr. & vb. n.) To contract by omitting a letter or letters; also, to mark with an apostrophe (') or apostrophes..
Apostrophize :: Apostrophize (v. i.) To use the rhetorical figure called apostrophe.
Astro- :: Astro- () The combining form of the Greek word 'a`stron, meaning star..
Astrofel :: Astrofel (n.) Alt. of Astrofel.
Astrofell :: Astrofell (n.) A bitter herb, probably the same as aster, or starwort..
Astrogeny :: Astrogeny (n.) The creation or evolution of the stars or the heavens.
Astrognosy :: Astrognosy (n.) The science or knowledge of the stars, esp. the fixed stars..
Astrogony :: Astrogony (n.) Same as Astrogeny.
Astrography :: Astrography (n.) The art of describing or delineating the stars; a description or mapping of the heavens.
Astroite :: Astroite (n.) A radiated stone or fossil; star-stone.
Astrolabe :: Astrolabe (n.) An instrument for observing or showing the positions of the stars. It is now disused.
Astrolabe :: Astrolabe (n.) A stereographic projection of the sphere on the plane of a great circle, as the equator, or a meridian; a planisphere..
Astrolater :: Astrolater (n.) A worshiper of the stars.
Astrolatry :: Astrolatry (n.) The worship of the stars.
Astrolithology :: Astrolithology (n.) The science of aerolites.
Astrologer :: Astrologer (n.) One who studies the stars; an astronomer.
Astrologer :: Astrologer (n.) One who practices astrology; one who professes to foretell events by the aspects and situation of the stars.
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