Definition of vertebrata

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Vertebrata (n. pl.) One of the grand divisions of the animal kingdom, comprising all animals that have a backbone composed of bony or cartilaginous vertebrae, together with Amphioxus in which the backbone is represented by a simple undivided notochord. The Vertebrata always have a dorsal, or neural, cavity above the notochord or backbone, and a ventral, or visceral, cavity below it. The subdivisions or classes of Vertebrata are Mammalia, Aves, Reptilia, Amphibia, Pisces, Marsipobranchia, and Lep

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Craniota :: Craniota (n. pl.) A comprehensive division of the Vertebrata, including all those that have a skull..
Vertebrata :: Vertebrata (n. pl.) One of the grand divisions of the animal kingdom, comprising all animals that have a backbone composed of bony or cartilaginous vertebrae, together with Amphioxus in which the backbone is represented by a simple undivided notochord. The Vertebrata always have a dorsal, or neural, cavity above the notochord or backbone, and a ventral, or visceral, cavity below it. The subdivisions or classes of Vertebrata are Mammalia, Aves, Reptilia, Amphibia, Pisces, Marsipobranchia, and Lep
Myelencephala :: Myelencephala (n. pl.) Same as Vertebrata.
Invertebrate :: Invertebrate (a.) Destitute of a backbone; having no vertebrae; of or pertaining to the Invertebrata.
Acrania :: Acrania (n.) The lowest group of Vertebrata, including the amphioxus, in which no skull exists..
Aves :: Aves (n. pl.) The class of Vertebrata that includes the birds.
Leptocardia :: Leptocardia (n. pl.) The lowest class of Vertebrata, including only the Amphioxus. The heart is represented only by a simple pulsating vessel. The blood is colorless; the brain, renal organs, and limbs are wanting, and the backbone is represented only by a simple, unsegmented notochord. See Amphioxus..
Coelenterata :: Coelenterata (n. pl.) A comprehensive group of Invertebrata, mostly marine, comprising the Anthozoa, Hydrozoa, and Ctenophora. The name implies that the stomach and body cavities are one. The group is sometimes enlarged so as to include the sponges..
Sublapsarian :: Subkingdom (n.) One of the several primary divisions of either the animal, or vegetable kingdom, as, in zoology, the Vertebrata, Tunicata, Mollusca, Articulata, Molluscoidea, Echinodermata, Coelentera, and the Protozoa; in botany, the Phanerogamia, and the Cryptogamia..
Myeloneura :: Myeloneura (n. pl.) The Vertebrata.
Molluscoidea :: Molluscoidea (n. pl.) A division of Invertebrata which includes the classes Brachiopoda and Bryozoa; -- called also Anthoid Mollusca.
Anallantoidea :: Anallantoidea (n. pl.) The division of Vertebrata in which no allantois is developed. It includes amphibians, fishes, and lower forms..
Invertebrata :: Invertebrata (n. pl.) A comprehensive division of the animal kingdom, including all except the Vertebrata..
Pisces :: Pisces (n. pl.) The class of Vertebrata that includes the fishes. The principal divisions are Elasmobranchii, Ganoidei, and Teleostei..
Invertebrate :: Invertebrate (n.) One of the Invertebrata.
Porifera :: Porifera (n. pl.) A grand division of the Invertebrata, including the sponges; -- called also Spongiae, Spongida, and Spongiozoa. The principal divisions are Calcispongiae, Keratosa or Fibrospongiae, and Silicea..
Chordata :: Chordata (n. pl.) A comprehensive division of animals including all Vertebrata together with the Tunicata, or all those having a dorsal nervous cord..
Vertebrate :: Vertebrate (n.) One of the Vertebrata.
Malacozoa :: Malacozoa (n. pl.) An extensive group of Invertebrata, including the Mollusca, Brachiopoda, and Bryozoa. Called also Malacozoaria..
Marsipobranchia :: Marsipobranchia (n. pl.) A class of Vertebrata, lower than fishes, characterized by their purselike gill cavities, cartilaginous skeletons, absence of limbs, and a suckerlike mouth destitute of jaws. It includes the lampreys and hagfishes. See Cyclostoma, and Lamprey. Called also Marsipobranchiata, and Marsipobranchii..
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