Definition of included

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Included (imp. & p. p.) of Includ.

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Fringilla :: Fringilla (a.) A genus of birds, with a short, conical, pointed bill. It formerly included all the sparrows and finches, but is now restricted to certain European finches, like the chaffinch and brambling..
Rest :: Rest (n.) Those not included in a proposition or description; the remainder; others.
Sporadial :: Sporades (n. pl.) Stars not included in any constellation; -- called also informed, or unformed, stars..
Implied :: Implied (a.) Virtually involved or included; involved in substance; inferential; tacitly conceded; -- the correlative of express, or expressed. See Imply..
Insert :: Insert (v. t.) To set within something; to put or thrust in; to introduce; to cause to enter, or be included, or contained; as, to insert a scion in a stock; to insert a letter, word, or passage in a composition; to insert an advertisement in a newspaper..
Anseres :: Anseres (n. pl.) A Linnaean order of aquatic birds swimming by means of webbed feet, as the duck, or of lobed feet, as the grebe. In this order were included the geese, ducks, auks, divers, gulls, petrels, etc..
Turbellaria :: Turbellaria (n. pl.) An extensive group of worms which have the body covered externally with vibrating cilia. It includes the Rhabdoc/la and Dendroc/la. Formerly, the nemerteans were also included in this group..
Includible :: Includible (a.) Capable of being included.
Pinus :: Pinus (n.) A large genus of evergreen coniferous trees, mostly found in the northern hemisphere. The genus formerly included the firs, spruces, larches, and hemlocks, but is now limited to those trees which have the primary leaves of the branchlets reduced to mere scales, and the secondary ones (pine needles) acicular, and usually in fascicles of two to seven. See Pine..
Grallae :: Grallae (n. pl.) An order of birds which formerly included all the waders. By later writers it is usually restricted to the sandpipers, plovers, and allied forms; -- called also Grallatores..
Beside :: Beside (adv.) More than that; over and above; not included in the number, or in what has been mentioned; moreover; in addition..
Submergence :: Submerge (v. i.) To plunge into water or other fluid; to be buried or covered, as by a fluid; to be merged; hence, to be completely included..
Mediastinum :: Mediastinum (n.) A partition; a septum; specifically, the folds of the pleura (and the space included between them) which divide the thorax into a right and left cavity. The space included between these folds of the pleura, called the mediastinal space, contains the heart and gives passage to the esophagus and great blood vessels..
Area :: Area (n.) The superficial contents of any figure; the surface included within any given lines; superficial extent; as, the area of a square or a triangle..
Coulisse :: Coulisse (n.) One of the side scenes of the stage in a theater, or the space included between the side scenes..
Acephala :: Acephala (n. pl.) That division of the Mollusca which includes the bivalve shells, like the clams and oysters; -- so called because they have no evident head. Formerly the group included the Tunicata, Brachiopoda, and sometimes the Bryozoa. See Mollusca..
Quadrumana :: Quadrumana (n. pl.) A division of the Primates comprising the apes and monkeys; -- so called because the hind foot is usually prehensile, and the great toe opposable somewhat like a thumb. Formerly the Quadrumana were considered an order distinct from the Bimana, which last included man alone..
Tripody :: Tripody (n.) Three metrical feet taken together, or included in one measure..
Inclusion :: Inclusion (n.) The act of including, or the state of being included; limitation; restriction; as, the lines of inclusion of his policy..
Aptera :: Aptera (n. pl.) Insects without wings, constituting the seventh Linnaen order of insects, an artificial group, which included Crustacea, spiders, centipeds, and even worms. These animals are now placed in several distinct classes and orders..
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