Definition of insect

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Insect (n.) Any small crustacean. In a wider sense, the word is often loosely applied to various small invertebrates..

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Venter :: Venter (n.) The lower part of the abdomen in insects.
Swore :: Swordtail (n.) Any hemipterous insect of the genus Uroxiphus, found upon forest trees..
Cicada :: Cicada (n.) Any species of the genus Cicada. They are large hemipterous insects, with nearly transparent wings. The male makes a shrill sound by peculiar organs in the under side of the abdomen, consisting of a pair of stretched membranes, acted upon by powerful muscles. A noted American species (C. septendecim) is called the seventeen year locust. Another common species is the dogday cicada..
Swift :: Swift (n.) Any one of numerous species of small, long-winged, insectivorous birds of the family Micropodidae. In form and habits the swifts resemble swallows, but they are destitute of complex vocal muscles and are not singing birds, but belong to a widely different group allied to the humming birds..
Lore :: Lore (n.) The anterior portion of the cheeks of insects.
Aptera :: Aptera (n. pl.) Insects without wings, constituting the seventh Linnaen order of insects, an artificial group, which included Crustacea, spiders, centipeds, and even worms. These animals are now placed in several distinct classes and orders..
Venomous :: Venomous (a.) Having a poison gland or glands for the secretion of venom, as certain serpents and insects..
Song :: Song (n.) That which is sung or uttered with musical modulations of the voice, whether of a human being or of a bird, insect, etc..
Euplexoptera :: Euplexoptera (n. pl.) An order of insects, including the earwig. The anterior wings are short, in the form of elytra, while the posterior wings fold up beneath them. See Earwig..
Lepisma :: Lepisma (n.) A genus of wingless thysanurous insects having an elongated flattened body, covered with shining scales and terminated by seven unequal bristles. A common species (Lepisma saccharina) is found in houses, and often injures books and furniture. Called also shiner, silver witch, silver moth, and furniture bug..
Springtide :: Springtail (n.) Any one of numerous species of small apterous insects belonging to the order Thysanura. They have two elastic caudal stylets which can be bent under the abdomen and then suddenly extended like a spring, thus enabling them to leap to a considerable distance. See Collembola, and Podura..
Homomorphism :: Homomorphism (n.) The possession of but one kind of larvae or young, as in most insects..
Lampyris :: Lampyris (n.) A genus of coleopterous insects, including the glowworms..
Solenodon :: Solenodon (n.) Either one of two species of singular West Indian insectivores, allied to the tenrec. One species (Solendon paradoxus), native of St. Domingo, is called also agouta; the other (S. Cubanus), found in Cuba, is called almique..
Pollicate :: Pollicate (a.) Having a curved projection or spine on the inner side of a leg joint; -- said of insects.
Gallfly :: Gallfly (n.) An insect that deposits its eggs in plants, and occasions galls, esp. any small hymenopteran of the genus Cynips and allied genera. See Illust. of Gall..
Styliferous :: Stylet (n.) Any small, more or less rigid, bristlelike organ; as, the caudal stylets of certain insects; the ventral stylets of certain Infusoria..
Fallow :: Fallow (n.) To plow, harrow, and break up, as land, without seeding, for the purpose of destroying weeds and insects, and rendering it mellow; as, it is profitable to fallow cold, strong, clayey land..
Inquiline :: Inquiline (n.) A gallfly which deposits its eggs in galls formed by other insects.
Entomotomy :: Entomotomy (n.) The science of the dissection of insects.
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