Definition of composition

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Composition (n.) The setting up of type and arranging it for printing.

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Kynurenic :: Kynurenic (a.) Pertaining to, or designating, an acid obtained from the urine of dogs. By decomposition the acid yields a nitrogenous base (called kynurin) and carbonic acid..
Paramorphism :: Paramorphism (n.) The change of one mineral species to another, so as to involve a change in physical characters without alteration of chemical composition..
Tempered :: Tempered (a.) Brought to a proper temper; as, tempered steel; having (such) a temper; -- chiefly used in composition; as, a good-tempered or bad-tempered man; a well-tempered sword..
Rhyme :: Rhyme (n.) An expression of thought in numbers, measure, or verse; a composition in verse; a rhymed tale; poetry; harmony of language..
Anti :: Anti () A prefix meaning against, opposite or opposed to, contrary, or in place of; -- used in composition in many English words. It is often shortened to ant-; as, antacid, antarctic..
Ion :: Ion (n.) One of the elements which appear at the respective poles when a body is subjected to electro-chemical decomposition. Cf. Anion, Cation..
Dittied :: Dittied (a.) Set, sung, or composed as a ditty; -- usually in composition..
Conduct :: Conduct (n.) To direct, as the leader in the performance of a musical composition..
Quercitin :: Quercitin (n.) A yellow crystalline substance, occurring quite widely distributed in the vegetable kingdom, as is apple-tree bark, horse-chestnut leaves, etc., but originally obtained by the decomposition of quercitrin. Called also meletin..
Lambdacism :: Lambdacism (n.) A fault in speaking or in composition, which consists in too frequent use of the letter l, or in doubling it erroneously..
Subject :: Subject (n.) The principal theme, or leading thought or phrase, on which a composition or a movement is based..
Antizymotic :: Antizymotic (a.) Preventing fermentation or decomposition.
Pyroxylin :: Pyroxylin (n.) A substance resembling gun cotton in composition and properties, but distinct in that it is more highly nitrified and is soluble in alcohol, ether, etc.; -- called also pyroxyle..
Grand :: Grand (superl.) Standing in the second or some more remote degree of parentage or descent; -- generalIy used in composition; as, grandfather, grandson, grandchild, etc..
Flourish :: Flourish (n.) A fantastic or decorative musical passage; a strain of triumph or bravado, not forming part of a regular musical composition; a cal; a fanfare..
Composition :: Composition (n.) The adjustment of a debt, or avoidance of an obligation, by some form of compensation agreed on between the parties; also, the sum or amount of compensation agreed upon in the adjustment..
Sinapine :: Sinapine (n.) An alkaloid occuring in the seeds of mustard. It is extracted, in combination with sulphocyanic acid, as a white crystalline substance, having a hot, bitter taste. When sinapine is isolated it is unstable and undergoes decomposition..
Farce :: Farce (v. t.) A low style of comedy; a dramatic composition marked by low humor, generally written with little regard to regularity or method, and abounding with ludicrous incidents and expressions..
Urrhodin :: Urrhodin (n.) Indigo red, a product of the decomposition, or oxidation, of indican. It is sometimes found in the sediment of pathological urines. It is soluble in ether or alcohol, giving the solution a beautiful red color. Also called indigrubin..
Part :: Part (n.) One of the different melodies of a concerted composition, which heard in union compose its harmony; also, the music for each voice or instrument; as, the treble, tenor, or bass part; the violin part, etc..
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