Definition of animal

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Animal (a.) Of or relating to animals; as, animal functions..

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Medium :: Medium (n.) A substance through which an effect is transmitted from one thing to another; as, air is the common medium of sound. Hence: The condition upon which any event or action occurs; necessary means of motion or action; that through or by which anything is accomplished, conveyed, or carried on; specifically, in animal magnetism, spiritualism, etc., a person through whom the action of another being is said to be manifested and transmitted..
Feed :: Feed (v. t.) To give for food, especially to animals; to furnish for consumption; as, to feed out turnips to the cows; to feed water to a steam boiler..
Oleomargarine :: Oleomargarine (n.) A liquid oil made from animal fats (esp. beef fat) by separating the greater portion of the solid fat or stearin, by crystallization. It is mainly a mixture of olein and palmitin with some little stearin..
Dewclaw :: Dewclaw (n.) In any animal, esp. of the Herbivora, a rudimentary claw or small hoof not reaching the ground..
Jaw :: "Jaw (n.) Fig.: Anything resembling the jaw of an animal in form or action; esp., pl., the mouth or way of entrance; as, the jaws of a pass; the jaws of darkness; the jaws of death..
Zoophagous :: Zoophagous (a.) Feeding on animals.
Adactylous :: Adactylous (a.) Without claws on the feet (of crustaceous animals).
Parasite :: Parasite (n.) An animal which lives during the whole or part of its existence on or in the body of some other animal, feeding upon its food, blood, or tissues, as lice, tapeworms, etc..
Towpath :: Towpath (n.) A path traveled by men or animals in towing boats; -- called also towing path.
Organography :: Organography (n.) A description of the organs of animals or plants.
Imposthume :: Imposthume (n.) A collection of pus or purulent matter in any part of an animal body; an abscess.
Stock :: Stock (n.) Domestic animals or beasts collectively, used or raised on a farm; as, a stock of cattle or of sheep, etc.; -- called also live stock..
Mouth :: Mouth (n.) The crosspiece of a bridle bit, which enters the mouth of an animal..
Animalness :: Animalness (n.) Animality.
Urus :: Urus (n.) A very large, powerful, and savage extinct bovine animal (Bos urus / primigenius) anciently abundant in Europe. It appears to have still existed in the time of Julius Caesar. It had very large horns, and was hardly capable of domestication. Called also, ur, ure, and tur..
Organism :: Organism (n.) An organized being; a living body, either vegetable or animal, compozed of different organs or parts with functions which are separate, but mutually dependent, and essential to the life of the individual..
Antitoxine :: Antitoxine (n.) A substance (sometimes the product of a specific micro-organism and sometimes naturally present in the blood or tissues of an animal), capable of producing immunity from certain diseases, or of counteracting the poisonous effects of pathogenic bacteria..
Humor :: Humor (n.) A vitiated or morbid animal fluid, such as often causes an eruption on the skin..
Generically :: Generically (adv.) With regard to a genus, or an extensive class; as, an animal generically distinct from another, or two animals or plants generically allied..
Angioscope :: Angioscope (n.) An instrument for examining the capillary vessels of animals and plants.
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