Definition of mollusca

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Mollusca (n. pl.) One of the grand divisions of the animal kingdom, including the classes Cephalopoda, Gastropoda, PteropodaScaphopoda, and Lamellibranchiata, or Conchifera. These animals have an unsegmented bilateral body, with most of the organs and parts paired, but not repeated longitudinally. Most of them develop a mantle, which incloses either a branchial or a pulmonary cavity. They are generally more or less covered and protected by a calcareous shell, which may be univalve, bivalve, or m

Lern More About Mollusca

Carinaria :: Carinaria (n.) A genus of oceanic heteropod Mollusca, having a thin, glassy, bonnet-shaped shell, which covers only the nucleus and gills..
Cirrobranchiata :: Cirrobranchiata (n. pl.) A division of Mollusca having slender, cirriform appendages near the mouth; the Scaphopoda..
Odontoblast :: Odontoblast (n.) One of the cells which secrete the chitinous teeth of Mollusca.
Scutibranchiata :: Scutibranchiata (n. pl.) An order of gastropod Mollusca having a heart with two auricles and one ventricle. The shell may be either spiral or shieldlike.
Tectibranchiata :: Tectibranchiata (n. pl.) An order, or suborder, of gastropod Mollusca in which the gills are usually situated on one side of the back, and protected by a fold of the mantle. When there is a shell, it is usually thin and delicate and often rudimentary. The aplysias and the bubble shells are examples..
Cambrian :: Cambrian (a.) Of or pertaining to the lowest subdivision of the rocks of the Silurian or Molluscan age; -- sometimes described as inferior to the Silurian. It is named from its development in Cambria or Wales. See the Diagram under Geology.
Cirrus :: Cirrus (n.) The external male organ of trematodes and some other worms, and of certain Mollusca..
Cephalopoda :: Cephalopoda (n. pl.) The highest class of Mollusca.
Mollusk :: Mollusk (n.) One of the Mollusca.
Sublapsarian :: Subkingdom (n.) One of the several primary divisions of either the animal, or vegetable kingdom, as, in zoology, the Vertebrata, Tunicata, Mollusca, Articulata, Molluscoidea, Echinodermata, Coelentera, and the Protozoa; in botany, the Phanerogamia, and the Cryptogamia..
Mollusca :: Mollusca (n. pl.) One of the grand divisions of the animal kingdom, including the classes Cephalopoda, Gastropoda, PteropodaScaphopoda, and Lamellibranchiata, or Conchifera. These animals have an unsegmented bilateral body, with most of the organs and parts paired, but not repeated longitudinally. Most of them develop a mantle, which incloses either a branchial or a pulmonary cavity. They are generally more or less covered and protected by a calcareous shell, which may be univalve, bivalve, or m
Incurrent :: Incurrent (a.) Characterized by a current which flows inward; as, the incurrent orifice of lamellibranch Mollusca..
Molluscoidea :: Molluscoidea (n. pl.) A division of Invertebrata which includes the classes Brachiopoda and Bryozoa; -- called also Anthoid Mollusca.
Amphineura :: Amphineura (n. pl.) A division of Mollusca remarkable for the bilateral symmetry of the organs and the arrangement of the nerves.
Molluscan :: Molluscan (n.) A mollusk; one of the Mollusca.
Lamellibranchiata :: Lamellibranchiata (n. pl.) A class of Mollusca including all those that have bivalve shells, as the clams, oysters, mussels, etc..
Cirrus :: Cirrus (n.) A soft tactile appendage of the mantle of many Mollusca, and of the parapodia of Annelida. Those near the head of annelids are Tentacular cirri; those of the last segment are caudal cirri..
Conchifera :: Conchifera (n. pl.) That class of Mollusca which includes the bivalve shells; the Lamellibranchiata. See Mollusca.
Anthobranchia :: Anthobranchia (n. pl.) A division of nudibranchiate Mollusca, in which the gills form a wreath or cluster upon the posterior part of the back. See Nudibranchiata, and Doris..
Malacozoa :: Malacozoa (n. pl.) An extensive group of Invertebrata, including the Mollusca, Brachiopoda, and Bryozoa. Called also Malacozoaria..
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